Protect and Serve Read online

Page 3

  He touched Jake’s arm, but he moved out of reach. Jake glared at him. A fellow officer strolled by and nodded his head, amusement in his eyes. “Typical Jake. Who’s pissed you off today? Ah, Ross Turner. Figures.”

  At the mention of his name, Ross looked around from his conversation with the judge, and his dark eyes locked on Jake’s. Jake shifted his shoulders to loosen some of the tension in them. He spun away from Sam and muttered, “I’m sorry. Not interested,” and kept moving.

  Jake decided his best bet was to drop off the paperwork he needed to pass on to the judge to the man’s secretary and be done with it. He had a pile of case files to review on his desk, and they weren’t getting done with him hanging in the courthouse halls. Besides that he needed to question a couple of witnesses. If he didn’t get going, the day would be gone, and he’d be clocking overtime for the seventh day in a row. He enjoyed his job for the most part, but he needed a break.

  When he was heading back toward the elevator, a ding from his phone caught his attention. He pulled it out from his pocket and scanned the display. A text from Ross. Anticipation gripped him. He flipped his phone open and pressed the button to bring up the details.

  “A reunion?”

  Jake frowned, wondering what he meant. The two of them or someone else. Then it hit him. Ross must have noticed how much Sam hung onto him in the hall, and if he had, others could have. He blew out a heavy breath intending the first chance he got to make it clearer to Sam not to be so open.

  He considered Ross’s words. Had he been jealous? One couldn’t tell shit from the simple question, and it pissed him off not knowing. Did his text mean he was considering calling but if Jake wasn’t available then he wouldn’t?

  “Wow, if your eyes had laser beams…” came a feminine comment to his right. Jake glanced up to meet the friendly gaze of a woman familiar to him but that he didn’t know personally. She scooted over closer to him even though the elevator was empty except for the two of them. A light touch of her elbow to his arm let him know she was flirting. “You’re glaring at that phone pretty hard. Having a bad day?”

  Jake was no stranger to women flirting. He could even return the playful banter to cover his interests, but he was more concerned about figuring out the right response to Ross. With no ideas whatsoever, he simply typed, “No.”

  He chatted with the woman for the few minutes they stopped on each floor and let others on the elevator. The whole time, he strained his ears to catch the ding of his phone. When it came in, he ended the conversation and stepped into the lobby. He knew he’d let her down, but no sense giving the woman false hope. Even if he didn’t have a man in his bed, he didn’t desire to substitute with a woman.

  “Tonight. Interested?” Ross wrote.

  “Yes. Same place?” he responded.

  “Yes, at 9.”

  All the way over to Ross’s house that night, Jake wondered if he’d been interested in seeing him again after they had spotted each other in the hall. He didn’t appreciate feeling insecure about the relationship, and it made him grumpy. But if Ross asked, he’d play it cool. No reason to give all the control to him, although it was clear Ross wanted it.

  Jake gripped the steering wheel and took the next turn at too sharp an angle and too fast. He pressed his foot on the break to lower his speed. Not that he expected to get a ticket. Any policeman who didn’t know him on site would run a check on his unmarked car and find out he was a cop. They looked out for their own, but he didn’t flaunt the law.

  Jake stopped outside the gate at Ross’s development and buzzed to be let in. At the same time, his cell rang. He dug it from his pocket and looked at the display. A sigh escaped him when he saw that it was Sam. Was this how it would be? Stalked by his ex-lover?

  He pressed the button to silence the call and drove forward when Ross buzzed him through. The garage door opened at his approach, and he drove into the empty space beside Ross’s Beamer. The door closed after him, making him suspect that Ross watched from somewhere. He stepped out of the car, his stomach muscles clenched. The moment Ross opened the door leading into the house, Jake’s cock grew tight and hard. No denying his attraction, but he didn’t need to.

  “Detective,” Ross rumbled in his controlled, deep tone.

  “Counselor,” he replied.

  Jake went to step by him, but Ross put an arm out to block his path. Jake narrowed a gaze at the man, and then he was in his embrace. Their lips met, tongues intertwined. Jake’s cock strained at his pants, and he felt Ross’s doing the same. He couldn’t help tangling his fingers in Ross’s hair and groaning in his mouth just as he’d done that first time.

  They tilted their heads opposite and pressed tighter. Ross backed him into a wall and stuck a knee between his thighs. Jake had to fight not to come in his clothes. Ross ran his hands over his hips to squeeze his ass. He broke the kiss to trail caresses over Jake’s throat. His lingering one at his Adam’s apple, a slight pressure, had Jake gasping with need. This man knew a lot more about sex with a man than he’d shared so far. Jake was sure of it.

  Ross met his lips in a final kiss and leaned back without freeing him. “Did you eat?”


  “Then I’ll make you something.” He released Jake and walked farther into the house. Jake followed. The thought that he was like a trained puppy came to mind, but he dismissed it out of hand. No one tamed him.

  “You cook?” he asked with too much gruffness in his tone.

  Ross seemed unperturbed. “Yes.”

  Jake took a stool at the kitchen counter and watched Ross prepare a quick meal. His long, strong fingers moved with precision, and he put every ingredient back where he’d gotten it when he was done. He carried on light conversation to which Jake listened to with half an ear. His mind was busy calculating whether he should discuss the parolee with Ross and whether he’d be pissed off if Jake offered his help. In addition to that, he wanted to know where they were headed, or even if he needed to consider where the relationship was going this early in the game.

  “You can ask me whatever you want.”

  Jake started at the unexpected statement, which echoed his thoughts. “What?”

  “You looked like you had a question,” Ross clarified. “I was saying you can ask whatever you want.”

  Jake studied his face. The intensity of his feelings for this man surfaced all the more when he looked into his eyes. But did Ross feel the same? Was it about physical attraction? A warm body and any would do? He cursed under his breath. In his head, he sounded like a schoolgirl with a crush, not a fucking hardnosed cop.

  He slapped a hand on the counter as an alternative to putting his fist through a wall and slid off the stool. “I think I made a mistake in coming here. Last time was good, but I have to be careful. I’m not ready to come out of the closet. Probably never will be, and you’re high profile. Too risky.”

  He had his hand on the door leading to the garage when Ross caught up with him. He pressed close to Jake from behind, reminding him of how it felt to have that long dick in his ass. He didn’t deny, at least to himself, that he wanted to feel it again.

  Ross laid a hand over his and pressed closer. “Is that what this is really about? My job?”

  Jake closed his eyes and swallowed. He let his forehead touch the door while he tried to compose himself. Ross ran his nose along Jake’s neck and licked his earlobe. He twisted his hips in a slow motion from side to side so that Jake could feel what being this close had done to him.

  “Because I think it’s about how bad you want it,” Ross said. “No…it’s about how badly you want me. And you do want me don’t you, detective? With my dick buried so deep in your ass, it seems like we’re connected?”

  He reached around in front of Jake with one hand, the other seeming to hold him in place with a light touch. Ross unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. When he stroked his dick, Jake breathed heavily through his nose. He licked his lips, and he still hadn’t opened his eyes.r />
  “It’s about this,” Ross continued. “I can have this dick any time I want, and as often as I want.”

  “Like hell you can,” Jake roared. He reared back on Ross, but the DA was no little punk on the street that Jake might rough up to get the information he needed. He charged at him, but Ross thumped him back on the door hard enough to knock the wind out of Jake’s lungs. Jake could use a little extra muscle, but he stayed in Ross’s forceful hold. “Fuck you, Ross,” he growled.

  And the DA kissed him, long and deep. Jake brought his hands up behind him and gripped the backs of his shoulders while Ross devoured his mouth. Jake grew dizzy with the hunger surging up inside of him. By the time his lover raised his head, Jake was drunk on his taste. He staggered a bit when Ross drew away.

  “Suck my dick,” Ross commanded.

  Jake stared at him. A million thoughts ran through his mind. He was no clearer on the relationship and where he stood with Ross. Like a statue, the man stood there, his face serene but unreadable.

  Jake dropped to his knees, unbuttoned Ross’s pants, and lowered his zipper. He reached inside his boxers and pulled his cock free. The long shaft was stiff and straight. Jake fed it between his lips. He sucked hard on the head and let it slide out before going back for more. Each time he lowered his mouth, he took the dick deeper and deeper into his throat. Ross stroked his hair, moaning. He began rotating his hips as he pushed into Jake’s mouth.

  “Yes, ah, yes, Jake, suck it,” Ross demanded. “Don’t stop until I tell you.”

  Ever defiant, Jake pulled Ross’s cock from between his lips and began licking lower until he reached the man’s balls. He sucked those and took one into his mouth and then let it go to explore the other.

  He heard Ross’s low chuckle, which surprised him, just before Ross stepped out of reach. Then Jake knew how much he enjoyed the taste of that big, long cock and how even though Ross had told him to suck it and not stop, that was exactly what Jake wanted too.

  They stared each other in the eyes as Jake rose to his feet. Ross’s eyebrow rose, and Jake began loosening his belt and pants. He pushed them over his hips along with his boxers. Ross broke their staring contest to glance down at Jake’s swollen member. Jake’s feeling of superiority didn’t last. They had a contest of wills, arms locked, biceps contracted.

  Jake found himself the loser once again facing the door with his flat palms keeping him from ramming his face into it. Ross gave him only a second to draw in a breath before he buried his still wet cock into Jake’s ass. Jake cried out and slammed a fist against the door. He went up to his toes trying his best to get the position right that wouldn’t let it hurt.

  Ross fucked him hard, shoving deep without mercy. Jake forgot who he was. He cried out again and again, submitting to Ross’s force and his skill. In his pocket, Jake heard his cell phone ring, but he ignored it as their bodies ground together. His knees bent, but he steeled himself to stand and take everything Ross gave him. His lover reached around him and grabbed his cock. He squeezed the tip. Jake clenched his jaw. Still his moan of pain and pleasure eeked out between his lips.

  And then he came. He orgasmed as if Ross demanded it, and forced that out of him too. His cock throbbed and pumped his juices into Ross’s waiting palm. The DA continued to thrust into his ass. Jake could no longer protest. He let himself be taken for a long time as Ross held off his own release. Not until Jake didn’t think he could take it another second did he hear Ross’s grunt and then felt the hot seed fill his ass. Fuck! That bastard didn’t used a condom!

  Ross withdrew and left the kitchen. Hands shaking, Jake pulled his pants up and followed at a slower pace. His ass was raw, but he’d loved it. Since that incident in his past, no man had ever dared take him so roughly. He’d been the one to be on top. Maybe it was because of all that aggression in him, needing some way to burn off. But Ross had tossed it aside and done things his way.

  They didn’t speak in the shower. Jake had nothing to say. He processed what had happened and tried to think about what he’d do going forward. When Ross kissed him and touched him, he didn’t pull away, but the DA didn’t try to take him in the back again nor offer his own ass.

  Dinner was good to his surprise, and when they were done and had cleaned up the kitchen, they walked hand-in-hand to the bedroom where at some point Ross had turned down the sheets.

  “Five a.m.?” Ross asked.

  Jake nodded. “Yeah, that’s early enough.” They climbed in together, and he found himself curled against the other man’s chest. Security. He hadn’t needed security in any man’s embrace. As a cop, he figured he offered it.

  Remembering how his phone had rung earlier, he turned from Ross’s arms to check his pants pocket. In the darkness of the room, the display read clearly that Sam had phoned three times.

  Ross nabbed the phone and looked at it. Jake didn’t have to see his face to know he frowned. “When you talk to him next, let him know you’re taken!”

  Jake settled against his chest and hid a smile. “About that parolee…” he said.

  Ross hesitated, and Jake expected him to say he’d arranged for bodyguards or that the judge had agreed to use his influence. Instead, Ross ran his hand down over Jake’s side massaged one ass cheek.

  “I’ve decided I have all the protection I need…in you.”

  And in that instant, Jake knew Ross was as lost to his need for him as much as he was for Ross. If not tonight, then very soon, their feelings would develop into love…

  The End

  About the Author

  Eden Cole is the author of several erotic works including male/male and ménage, and she has many more on the way. Please visit Risky Ink at to find out more of male/male novellas.