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The Shifter's Mate Page 4

“Serenity,” she shouted. “I need to have a word with you right now.”

  Salacity’s cheeks pinked at being caught, but Serenity glared at her until she rose and excused herself from Jon. Serenity snatched her arm and almost dragged her from the room. Once they were in the hall, Serenity shut the sitting room door and turned to her sister.

  “How could you do that? We’ve never interfered with each other’s romantic relationships, Salacity.”

  Her sister planted her hands on her hips. “Oh yeah? What do you think you did when you froze us all? I was deciding between those three men, and your little trick made one of them late for an appointment. I was going to choose him, but I didn’t get the chance.”

  “Come off it,” Serenity grumbled. “You just don’t like anyone getting the better of you.”

  The cold grin her sister flashed made her grit her teeth. “You’re right, and no one ever will. Your ex is waiting. Hm, I should have had breakup sex with him.” With that, she flounced off, not a care in the world.

  Serenity moved back to the mirror to change her appearance once again and pin up her hair. This time, she didn’t bother with trying to smooth every strand. Occupying her mind was what excuse she could give Jon for what Salacity had said to him and if their budding relationship could be repaired at all.

  When she could delay no longer, she took a deep breath and headed for the sitting room.

  * * * *

  Jon stood when the door opened. He narrowed his eyes on the woman standing there with her hands clutched together. Anger surged through him. He didn’t know what kind of game Serenity and her sister were playing, but although they changed their appearance, he knew which sister was which. Neither could change her scent, and Serenity’s scent was embedded in his memory. One could never fool a panther’s sense of smell.

  He did wonder what kind of ability the women had if they could so radically change their appearance. Salacity had looked exactly like Serenity, even down to the tiny scar she had to the base of her right thumb. He’d noticed the small imperfection at dinner the other night. However, he was also pissed off that they would trick him in this way. Serenity had struck him as a more straightforward woman, one who took care of her own business rather than leave it to Salacity. And why send the slut of a sister for the breakup? That made no sense at all.

  He had no intension of letting Serenity slip away from him, but he decided to play along with the game. At least the real Serenity was now in the room, the woman he grew more sure with each passing day belonged with him. He’d missed her over the last week. The small crisis that had kept him elbow deep in work had driven him crazy, especially when he hadn’t been able to reach Serenity. He’d at last come by only to be dumped by her sister.

  “So I guess there’s nothing more to say,” he announced. “You’ve decided on someone else. I don’t force myself where I’m not wanted.” He picked up the small gift he’d brought by—chocolates. Since she was so slender and didn’t need to watch her weight, he hoped she wasn’t dieting and would accept it.

  “No, wait,” she almost wailed. The hurt Jon saw in her face cut him, and he stopped. “…you didn’t call. I thought…” she began.

  “That’s what this is about?” He narrowed his eyes at her. “I didn’t take you for one to play games, Serenity.”

  Her eyes widened, and she looked worried. “Games?”

  Too late, he realized she wouldn’t know that he could sniff out which sister was which. He thought on his feet. “Lying to me about another man rather than telling me that you’re angry I didn’t call.” She sighed. He’d been right that she worried about him learning her secret. He still didn’t know the specifics. “I did call. I left several messages for you, but you didn’t return my calls. I was also stuck in emergency surgery with two dogs and a cat—if you can believe it.”

  She nodded. “Problems arise in threes.” She crossed the room and stood in front of him with her head bowed. After collecting herself, she raised her head and looked him in the eyes with determination in hers. “I’m sorry, Jon. About everything. We’ve gotten off on the wrong foot from the start, but…I really want to be with you.” She bit her lip. “I think you know what I mean.”

  Jon tugged her into his chest. He ran his hands down over her back and stopped just before her ass. He did not need a repeat of their first date, but he had every intension of exploring Serenity’s body—soon. “Come away with me. I know it’s early in the relationship, but I think we both need a small vacation. Don’t you agree?’

  “Do I ever!” she declared. “Where would we go?”

  He grinned. “I have a small house in the country, surrounded by endless woods. It’s calm and peaceful from morning to night. All we have to do is enjoy it. What do you say?”

  “Yes, I’m there,” she said with a happy laugh. Jon’s anger faded away.

  They’d had their fair share of mishaps, misunderstandings, and false starts. He would do everything in his power to be sure their time at his country house was perfect. That would start with contacting Mordecai. His clan leader would know just what to do to ensure that Serenity’s mother did not interfere with their plans.

  * * * *

  The following weekend, Jon’s arrangements were made. He picked Serenity up at her house at six-thirty Friday morning, and with no drama, they headed for his country home. Anticipation had his shoulders tight. He hoped the item Mordecai had told him to buy would work. By no means did Jon have a magical bone in his body, so he’d felt like a fool collecting the substance the older feline had instructed him to get. Mordecai had told him he couldn’t cast a spell, but certain protective barriers were possible even without magic to keep spirits at bay. One type of barrier was built using iron pellets alone.

  When they drew up to his house, Jon jumped from the car and hurried to help Serenity. He held his breath to see what she thought of the place, if she would prefer the noise of the city.

  Her beautiful smile spread over her face, and she drew in a huge breath. “Feels like coming home. I could stay here and never leave.” Joy burst forth in his chest, and he squeezed her close to his side a little more than necessary as they continued up the walk and let themselves into the side door leading to the kitchen. Jon had every intension of making this weekend one that Serenity would never forget.

  The Shifter's Mate

  The Shifter's Mate

  Chapter Six

  Serenity followed Jon to the second floor of his house and down the hall to one of the bedrooms. When he opened the door, she realized the room was his and paused before entering. Was she ready for this? When he invited her, did he expect they’d become lovers right away? Of course he did, stupid. You said this is what you wanted.

  She stepped inside and placed her bag on the bed. What she hadn’t thought through was what if they didn’t mesh well in bed? She’d be stuck here the entire weekend or would be forced to ask him to take her back to town. With a peek over her shoulder, she saw that he hadn’t moved from the door way, but instead he watched her in silence. Her throat dry, she swallowed, facing her bag. Her fingers curled around the handle, she couldn’t make herself begin to unpack. A sound behind her made her stiffen, and Jon’s hands came down on her shoulders.

  “If this isn’t what you want…” he began.


  He leaned around and kissed her cheek. On impulse, she turned her head and let him capture her lips in a heated kiss. Fire ignited in her body, and she twisted to snake her arms up over his shoulders and around his neck. Jon molded her body to his. She felt his hard-on pressed in her belly, stoking the desire that had already begun to grow.

  This was good. This was so good she could give into more right now. Fear subsided, so she reached out to find his hand and lifted it to her breast. Above her lips, Jon gasped, but he didn’t pull away. He molded her breast, pinched her nipple, and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. She moaned, arching into his touch.

  Jon broke the kiss to sta
re down at her. His hand stilled. “Are you sure, Serenity? I don’t want to hurt you. We’ve moved very fast.”

  “We both know what we want,” she whispered and teased his mouth with soft kisses. “I hope in being honest about my needs, I haven’t given you a bad impression of me.”


  “In that case, I’m sure this is what I want.” She ran a hand up over his powerful chest, loving the feel of his taut muscles. Beneath his shirt, she found he sported a six pack many men would long to have. She’d dated men with good bodies before, but Jon went beyond all of them. Anticipation to see him naked rose up inside of her, but Jon pulled her hands away.

  “I would love for us to make use of this bed right now, but it might be best if we settle in first, have a bit to eat, and then relax together. Trust me. My appetite is such that you will need all the energy you can muster.”

  Serenity almost panted at hearing that. “Okay, but you better live up to those boastful words, mister.” She turned, and he smacked her on the ass.

  “I intend to.”

  When he closed the door as he left, her legs gave out, and she sank down on the bed. She put a hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. Jon was different. There was no evidence as to why, but she knew he was. If she wasn’t careful, she’d fall in love with a non-magical man, and that would spell disaster. She needed to remind herself that this was all about pleasure and having fun. Nothing more. That morning she’d told herself to leave her heart at home and to look at this weekend as the vacation that Jon had suggested it was. Women on vacation took a brief lover all the time.

  “Now, if only Mom doesn’t find me out here, everything will go smoothly.”

  She stood and strolled over to the window. Something she’d felt upon crossing a certain point on Jon’s property had been bothering her. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Looking out the window, she narrowed her eyes to the small road they had traveled along. She remembered that it had extended at least a mile from a bigger road which the public used. That’s when, she thought. When they turned into this small road, she’d felt something different in the atmosphere.

  “Serenity, would you like something to drink? Fruit juice or soda?” John called from a distance.

  “Yes, thanks. Fruit juice would be great,” she called back. She smiled. No doubt the weirdness was the lack of family pressing on her consciousness. Jon’s estate represented tranquility. Of course she would be affected by it and even do a mental shift when she arrived. Dismissing those thoughts, she moved to the bed to begin unpacking.

  * * * *

  After a day filled with exploring Jon’s land and house and a short trip into town to get a few supplies, Serenity settled with him in his living room by the fire he’d lit. She had removed her shoes and socks and sat curled next to him. He poured them each a glass of wine and handed hers to her.

  “Thanks,” she murmured. “Don’t you think it’s a little warm to have a fire going?”

  “The temperature drops considerably at night out here. Besides, nothing says romance like a roaring fire.”

  She chuckled. “So you’re trying to seduce me. Is that it?”

  “Oh no, beautiful lady. I’ve already reeled you in.” He winked and sat on his heels to remove his shirt. His bare chest tantalized her right away, and she knew the real reason he wanted it overly warm in the room. “Tonight is about us getting to know each other physically, and for me to help melt away your reservations.”

  “Hm, I have no reservations. I’m a twenty-first century woman. I’m open about my sexuality.”

  His twinkling eyes challenged her to prove it. Serenity handed him her glass to rest on a nearby table and stood up. With confidence she wasn’t feeling deep down inside, she began to remove her clothing. Sure, she liked her body just fine. Exercise and diet kept it where she liked it best, but no woman was without doubts or fears about how her lover viewed her. Still, Serenity forged ahead. Jon seemed like a good judge for what would please him, and he’d chosen her.

  Her blouse slipped to the floor, and she worked on unbuttoning her jeans next. A peek at Jon showed he was almost salivating watching her. She chewed on her bottom lip as she worked the pants over her hips. When her white with lilac flowered bikinis came into view, he grinned.

  “That surprised me.”

  She pouted. “Surprise isn’t what a woman wants to hear a man say when she strips down to her bra and panties.”

  “No, no, baby, trust me. Your body is doing things to mine even without a touch.”

  Directing a pointed glance at his crotch, she had to agree. The fact that his cock had hardened and twitched while she undressed was the only reason why she hadn’t run out of the room from his comment.

  “What I meant was”—he stood up and came to rest his palms on her hips—“I expected to see you dressed in lacy panties with maybe holes in the bra where the nipples point out.”

  Her eyes widened. “That’s what you want?”

  “No.” He drew her closer. “I thought you might do it because you assumed I expect it. I love your panties.” He demonstrated by hooking his hands in the band and tugging downward. “And your bra is so sexy.” He leaned in to bite the edge before licking her skin behind it.

  Serenity shivered. When Jon pushed his tongue farther and then, impatient, reached inside her bra to guide her nipple into his mouth, she almost collapsed. He helped her wiggle the rest of the way out of her panties but never stopped sucking her nipple. She moaned and cried out, pushing closer to him. Jon lifted her in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. He lowered the two of them to the bearskin rug and only then released her.

  Hovering above her, staring into her eyes and then examining her body like it was his next meal, he whispered, “Your body is perfect, Serenity. I already know I’m not going to be able to get enough.”

  When he sat up straight to undo his pants, she helped him and reached inside to cup his cock. Jon hissed. He threw his head back, eyes closed as she stroked him. He was so rigid and tight. Her pussy moistened just with her touching him, and although she’d never craved it before, she hungered for a taste.

  Together, they got him out of his jeans. While he stood, Serenity scrambled to get him into her mouth. “You don’t have to…” he began, but she swallowed much of his thick, long length and began working him.

  “Mm,” she moaned, thrilling in his flavor, loving even the salty taste of his precome. She pulled heavily on him, wanting more. Jon almost shouted from her actions. His firm thigh muscles quivered where she gripped his legs to keep herself balanced. He placed a hand on the back of her head and with a gentle movement pushed her forward so she would take him deeper.

  “I never imagined,” he moaned. “Damn, your mouth, Serenity! Suck it, baby. Suck your mate’s cock hard.”

  She wasn’t sure if she’d heard him say “mate” or if she was imagining it, but the way he commanded her turned her on. The gentle vet had turned feral, and it made her wetter and wetter. She’d always been in firm control of her life and decisions. To have him take it in a word, a touch, was unbelievable.

  When it seemed that he was about to release, he caught hold of her chin and took his cock from her. Serenity whined in protest. “Hold on, beautiful. I’m not coming just yet. When I do, I’m going to be buried as deep as possible inside you. Now, then.” He swiveled his finger in front of her. “On your knees.”

  Serenity, who had sat back on her heels when he took away her prize, did as he instructed. She turned around so her ass faced him. Jon must have liked what he saw because his eyes flashed brighter and wider. He licked his lips, dropped to one knee, and reached out to unsnap her bra, the last of her clothing.

  Her breasts tumbled free. Jon leaned down over her to play with them, twisted her nipples and kneaded their heavy weight in his palms. When he released her breasts to glide his hands down her belly and around to her hips, she clenched in anticipation of his entry. He massaged her ass and stroked her back.r />
  “Relax, baby. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  She closed her eyes. “It’s not that I’m afraid. I want it so badly, I can’t stand it. Jon, give it to me now. I need it.”

  He tested her wetness instead. “You need it, huh?”


  He pushed a finger into her, and she could have cried, but he didn’t tease her long. He must be as desperate for more as she was. The next instant, he parted her folds with the tip of his cock and pushed forward. His long shaft pierced her. She whimpered and drove back onto it. He was so thick, but so good. She couldn’t help trying to take as much as she could, to take it all. Her pussy walls stretched and molded around him, drawing him in. For a moment, Jon fell forward to rest his forehead on her back. He held them both still, his heavy breathing the only sound in the room. Serenity waited, knowing he was trying to gain control so he wouldn’t finish too soon. She could be patient for that because she wanted this to go on until she screamed through an earth-shattering orgasm. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Jon could get her there.

  After some time, he sat straight, grasped her hips, and began a slow, sensuous stroke. Serenity clenched the rug under her and bit her lip. She moaned and dropped her head toward her chest. Matching Jon’s rhythm, she gyrated her hips, luxuriating in the feel, the sounds of their mating.

  “You feel amazing, Serenity,” he said in a voice she’d never heard before. She thought of glancing back at him, but couldn’t do more than flow with his movements. He reared back, pulled almost all the way out of her, and then slammed forward. Serenity shouted in pleasure. The sensations were almost too much. She didn’t know whether to faint or to beg for more.

  “Harder, Jon. Take me harder,” she pleaded.

  “You couldn’t take it as wild as I could go, Serenity,” he warned.

  “I can. Do it harder, please.”

  He picked up the pace and ground into her. With an arm under her, he lifted her higher and drew her back to him with unimaginable strength. Each thrust sent her to new heights and brought her closer to an orgasm. Jon didn’t seem tired in the least. He never slowed his pace or backed off until her core muscles clamped down, and her thighs quivered. She cried out in ecstasy as the world seemed to shatter around her. Whimpering his name, she came and came until all the strength left her body.